VIDEO: Back to Eden, Yield Based on Information and Knowledge
Permaculture food forest is progressing along with very little maintenance, and a discussion on yield.
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Permaculture food forest is progressing along with very little maintenance, and a discussion on yield.
Permaculture Garden update, 5/20/14
Permaculture Garden is coming along nicely. I show how some of the seeds are coming along and talk about perennial, and total system yield rather than individual plant yield.
The succession of our annual garden towards a perennial based system.
Permaculture garden short update on how the system is supporting itself, while producing us food, building fertility, providing food and habitat for animals etc.
Today I take you through the garden and explain the ideology behind some of the companion planting I did, and the use of trap crops to deter unwanted bugs from choice crops. Some of the main trap crops I used were; mustard greens, collard greens, and radishes. I also used onions and garlic to help…
In our permaculture garden our system harvests its own; water (rain-water harvesting system), fertilizer (through nitrogen fixing microbes and dynamic nutrient accumulating plants), and its own seed. The only thing we have to do is harvest large branches throughout the yard for stakes, and harvest some of the crop for food.