December 23, 2024

VIDEO: The Largest Garlic Cloves EVER!

We are planting garlic in the garden today and we have been growing a variety of garlic that was given to us by a local farmer for years. It is grown for its bulb mutations that make massive cloves. Not elephant garlic mind you… regular garlic. And they are HUGE. .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds:…

VIDEO: Putting Mrs. MIgardener to The Test Planting Garlic

In this short but fun episode Sindy will be planting garlic. She claims to have watched all my episodes, and I have my doubts, so we will see how well she does, and we will see if she has really seen EVERY episode. Enjoy! How to Plant Garlic VIDEO: .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds:…