March 8, 2025

VIDEO: 1000원 바질 씨앗 심어 보기🌱🍃ㅣHow to Grow Basil from Seeds

다이소에서 구입한 바질 씨앗을 화분에 심어 보았습니다. 25일간 성장과정영상입니다. This is a video of the Basil growth process for 25 days. Have a nice day everyone. +음악(Youtube free music) English_Country_Garden.mp3 Hulu Ukulele – Chris Haugen.mp3 +카메라(camera) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) 소니 a6400 (Sony a6400) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집(shooting/editing) :…

VIDEO: Primitive Technology | How Pots are Made

How Clay Pots are Made|Handmade Pottery #pottery #handmadeclaypots #urbangardening #pots #handmade Amazing Talent of Indian Potter(baba ji) in Village using mud and wheel. The potter can form his product in one of many ways. Clay may be modeled by hand or with the assistance of a potter’s wheel, may be jiggered using a tool that…

VIDEO: 6 Ingenious Ways to Reuse Your Plant Pots

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Where would we be without plant pots? We use them to grow young plants and to bring on delicious salads, vegetables and fruits. But what do you do with your pots once your plants have outgrown them? Reusing plastic plant pots in the garden is not only…

VIDEO: More on Yacon

A little more I found on Yacon and the second harvest. A link discussing renal toxicity related to eating Yacon leaves. I haven’t fully researched it but it states the onset was after prolonged exposure. (eating) May still be edible but check out the article and be careful.

VIDEO: Container Gardening – Top Tips for Success

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: Whether you’re planning to grow a small kitchen herb garden, or to produce enough food to feed your family, containers can add the flexibility which helps make your garden a success this year. Growing in containers is very popular, and the variety of containers available is constantly…

VIDEO: How to Make an Easy Self-Watering Container for Herbs and Vegetables In this video I show you a really easy way to make a self-watering container out of some large cups but you could use anything. Please give it a go it’s great! I have just written a post about bottle tower gardens and check it out: Please subscribe to my Newsletter here:

VIDEO: Carniverous plants, bananas, olives + tons more!

*Look below for links to see where I made my purchases* Another exciting lot of packages have arrived at the MIcrogarden doorsteps! What could it possibly be this time??? This episode is jam PACKED with plants, plus a plant from the furthest distance yet. Got the miracle fruit from: Got the rest of the…

VIDEO: Complete Growroom Update!

A followup episode to My previous video! A complete walkthrough of the things that have been sprouting! and a look at some beautiful new growth, and just an all around good start to the new year! So far everything is off to a stellar start! Please remember to Rate, Comment, and Subscribe to stay in…

VIDEO: A Whole Boatload of Seeds!

I got my seeds from **If you order anything, please tell them that The MIcrogarden sent you** I am not benifiting from it, and nore will you, but if I am trying to draw the attention of some of these small businesses to see if maybe they would want to provide seeds or plants…