March 24, 2025

VIDEO: How to Make a Vertical Hanging Strawberry Tower! *EASY*

Strawberries don’t grow vertically until now. I designed this vertical hanging grow system that can grow strawberries along a fence, on a wall, or in places you would otherwise not be able to grow something. We did it all for less than $75 too! Aringel Mosquito patches: Check out our new clothing line!

VIDEO: 5 Minute DIY Compost Corral for FREE!

Compost corrals look great, keep compost scraps piled high so they compost faster, contain compost so it doesn’t go everywhere, and helps to hide what some see as an eye sore, especially in an urban lot. This project is free and helps reuse old scrap wood that would have been sent to a landfill or…

VIDEO: How to Make a Christmas Holiday Wreath

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: A beautiful Christmas wreath sets the tone for the festive season. Making your own is a very satisfying project – and it’s easy when you know how. In this short video we’ll show you exactly how to make a wreath, step by step. This fun project will…

VIDEO: How to Make a $5 DIY Compost Sifter EASY!

A compost sifter is something that will save time and money in the long run, and will help to improve the quality of your harden soil. Sifting is also great exercise, so you can stay healthy and in shape even while doing something as relaxing as gardening. Remember to like, comment, and share! .99 Heirloom…

VIDEO: How to make Hanging Planters from Tin Cans In this video you will learn how to make easy hanging planters from tin cans. You start off by filling them with water and freezing them to make it easier to nail the holes, simply tie on some string, add a plant and done. Larger tins could be used for Alpine Strawberries and vegetables…