March 8, 2025

VIDEO: Top 13 – Best Winters Flower Plants|| How To Grow Flower Plants On Terrace Garden In Winters

Top 13 Flowers to Grow for a Winter Garden #AnkitTerraceGardening #HowToGrowWinterFlowerPlant #BestWinterSeasonFlowerPlant #WinterSeasonGardening Follow Me On Amazon for buying Good quality Gardening Products 36 Varieties Organic Fruits and Vegetables Seed with Instruction Booklet Organic 20 Winter Flower Seeds with Cocopeat Block and Instruction Manual 30 Varieties Flower Seeds Combo Kraft Seeds…

VIDEO: How To Grow Rose From Cutting (FULL UPDATES)

How to grow rose plant at home| HOW TO GROW ROSE FROM CUTTINGS #rose #rosecutting #cuttingpropagation #urbangardening #rosepropagation most roses are simple to grow and easy to propagate at home. “Propagate” simply means to reproduce a plant easily from a simple cutting. Unlike seeds, which produce very different plants, rooted cuttings produce replicas of their…

VIDEO: 장미를 감자에 꽂으면? 망함!!ㅣHow to plant failed rose in potato

Rose cuttings using a medium potato? Do not It fails. 한국,외국분들이 장미를 감자에 꽂아 삽목하는 방법을 올리는 영상들이 많은데 장미를 감자에 꽂는 영상만 올리고 결과를 올리는 사람 없어 많이들 따라합니다 그래서 장미감자삽목 성공한 영상은 보지 못해 제가 직접 실험을 해보았습니다. 결과는 실패하였습니다. 장미삽목은 저렇게 하면 100% 성공율이 낮다고 생각되어 알리기위해 영상을 올린것입니다. 모두 좋은하루되세요~♥ +음악(Youtube…

VIDEO: Best & Easiest way to grow ROSE from cuttings in 15 days | गुलाब की कलम को लगाने का सबसे आसान तरीका

Hello Friends I am Your Gardener friend Ankit Bajpai and you are watching Our YouTube Channel “Ankit’s Terrace Gardening”. Gardening is my hobby and it is my passion and here I am sharing information related to your Terrace Gardening tricks and tips and always try to share best method or approach to grow any plant…

VIDEO: Plant a Tree, Save the Planet

PLANT A TREE, PLANT A LIFE Daizz’s Tip-He that plants trees loves others besides himself “The community that plants together, grows together” A tree planting activity was held on 22 nd July 2018 promoting a greener world🌏 and environmental action🏜 With sincere gratitude for your kindness I thank you all for your participation ….it means…

VIDEO: How To Make Organic Fertilizer-FREE OF COST

How To Make World’s Best Homemade Organic Fertilizer-how to make homemade fertilizer especially for your rose plants-free of cost DAIZZ’S TIP:-When it comes to organic gardening, the options for all-natural fertilizers can often be scarce on the shelves at your average supply store. Those that do exist are more expensive and while they may say…

VIDEO: How to Grow Rose Plant (FAST N EASY)

Daizz’s tips:- You don’t have to have a yard, ideal soil, or perfect drainage to raise roses. All you need is a sunny location and enough room for a large container. Transform a deck, terrace, patio, or balcony into a fragrant retreat with pots glowing with color. Container grown roses live happily for years when…

VIDEO: Urban Gardener

If you’re a budding gardener then let me help you to grow your skills as well as your plants!.my YouTube channel Urban Gardener contains lots of information to help you get started in your garden and get the best from your seeds and plants. Not sure where to begin? Take a look at my channel…

VIDEO: How to Transplant an Avocado seed In this video I will show you how easy it is to transplant a young avocado seedling. I live in a cool climate which shows why my avocado didn’t do that well in the water method so with some new roots forming I’ve decided it deserves to get the nutrients from the compost and…