March 11, 2025

VIDEO: HOMESTEADING VLOG : Setting up our Cattle Panels for Tomatoes!

Thank you for watching our channel and following along with our homesteading journey! Be sure to subscribe before you go! Greenstalk Code: GreenStalk Code/Link for 10% OFF: MICHELEROSE10 Video setting up our vertical planter: ▼ CONNECT WITH US INSTAGRAM | @berrymountain.homestead | MICHELE’S CHANNEL | For Business Inquiries, please email…

VIDEO: One Year Garden and Homestead Update!

Huge walk and talk tour of EVERYTHING I’ve done at the Epic Homestead since purchasing it 1 year ago and moving in 9 months ago! 00:00 Intro 00:43 Front Yard Garden 07:06 No-Dig Bed & Grow Bags 09:35 Orchard Progress 14:27 Artichoke Patch 16:26 Dragon Fruit Alley 18:28 Seedling Table 19:23 Epic Shed 21:23 Backyard…

VIDEO: How to Garden in a Small Space with a GreenStalk! Vertical Gardening | VLOG + House Update

Thank you for watching our channel and following along with our homesteading journey! Be sure to subscribe before you go! GreenStalk Code/Link for 10% OFF: MICHELEROSE10 ▼ CONNECT WITH US INSTAGRAM | @berrymountain.homestead | MICHELE’S CHANNEL | For Business Inquiries, please email Music by Dylan Rockoff – Awake or Asleep -…

VIDEO: FULL Spring Garden Tour & Harvest! 🥕

Grab a signed copy of Grow Bag Gardening: SPRING IS HERE! Finally! Today I tour you through the entire Epic Homestead, sharing some updates on growth, a ton of gardening tips, and some special announcements along the way. 0:00 – Intro 0:58 – Lettuce Bed 1:47 – Alternative Greens 2:27 – Giant Cabbage 3:43…

VIDEO: start your fall garden NOW!!

It’s just Tony today! This video I plant our fall garden crops and discuss a few things happening around the homestead. Thank you for watching our channel and following along with our homesteading journey! Be sure to subscribe before you go! ▼ CONNECT WITH US INSTAGRAM | @berrymountain.homestead | MICHELE’S CHANNEL | For…

VIDEO: Strawberry Plant Care Part 3 of 3

Growing Strawberries Is EASY! The final video in the series on how to grow your own Strawberries from seed/runner/crown to full planted bed or container. With spring finally in the air and Strawberry plants exploding with foliage outside, now is the time to get those Strawberry starters into the ground and into the areas where…