June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Sprouting Lentils and Broccoli using a Mason Jar

This video shows how to sprout beans and seeds using the Mason Jar method. Two wide mouth mason jars are used, one to sprout lentil beans, and the other to sprout a salad mix of seeds I buy from Mountain Valley Seed Company. The salad mix contains broccoli, arugula, kohlrabi, kale, and cabbage. The beans…

VIDEO: Growing Lentil Sprouts and Lentil Microgreens

In this video I grow Lentils, Garbanzo Beans and Barley from packages I bought in the supermarket….the barley never sprouted. I was curious to see if the supermarket packages would sprout since they sit on the shelves for a long time and look very dried out. Surprisingly the lentils and garbanzo beans sprouted, but not…