March 24, 2025

VIDEO: The best way to NOT plant a Fruit Tree

This video is not about planting fruit trees. Because, truth be told, we’ve never actually planted a fruit tree before. And so, we don’t yet have any tips, because we don’t yet have any experience. Which is why instead, this video, is about something we do know. Something, as it turns out, we’re very good…

VIDEO: Nuts As Staple Foods with Osker Brown Part 9

Nut based agroforestry offers a huge potential to increase the ecosystem functions of human habitats. Osker Brown, of Glorious Forest Farm, will discuss all aspects of nutrition, harvest, storage, processing, and culinary use of acorns, hazelnuts, chestnuts, hickories, and black walnuts. We will show and tell tools and methods for processing, and sample some treats.…

VIDEO: Permaculture Earthworks and Wetland Ecosystems Part 4

Permaculturist John Nelson leads this workshop focusing on the importance of harvesting water for the use of irrigation, erosion control, diversion, and storage on the farm and homestead. We will explore the concepts behind earthworks and permaculture as a land harmonizing method that utilizes earth forms such as swales, berms, terraces, ponds and pumping systems.…

VIDEO: Permaculture Design for Homesteading Part 4

This workshop covers fundamentals of permaculture design for people developing self-sufficiency with the land. We will cover zones, useful plants, and water, among many other principles of permaculture. This workshop will help you develop a design plan for your own homestead in harmony with the land and natural elements surrounding you. In part 4, John…

VIDEO: Permaculture Earthworks and Wetland Ecosystems Part 2

Permaculturist John Nelson leads this workshop focusing on the importance of harvesting water for the use of irrigation, erosion control, diversion, and storage on the farm and homestead. We will explore the concepts behind earthworks and permaculture as a land harmonizing method that utilizes earth forms such as swales, berms, terraces, ponds and pumping systems.…

VIDEO: Farming on Slope

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VIDEO: What Permaculture Got Wrong – Dispelling Five Common Myths

▶️Read my original article: ▶️Sign Up For My Newsletter: ▶️Read my blog: ▶️Follow me on Twitter: @FarmerCStone ▶️Watch us on Instagram: @greencityacres Buy my book here: Use this discount code for $15 off: newsub Subscribe | Watch more from Curtis Stone : UPCOMING ON-FARM WORKSHOPS: July 14, 2018…