December 23, 2024

VIDEO: Bale Gardening – MUSHROOMS

With Time-lapse In this video we discuss mushrooms in our bale garden and concerns you may have. When mushrooms grow in your bale garden you may be worried that something is wrong or your garden has been taken over. I discuss how mushrooms are nothing to worry about and may be a good sign about…

VIDEO: GGC – 60 – The Perseid Meteor Shower

There’s been a lot of talk about the Perseid Meteor Shower this year, and for good reason! Check out our timelapse footage and enjoy a natural light-show, 1000 year old comet dust, and a bit of camera how-to. Camera Settings Camera: Gopro Hero 4 Silver Mode: Night Lapse Interval: Continuous Megapixels: 12MP Wide Spot Meter:…

VIDEO: Zucchini Plant Flowering – Time Lapse This is a timelapse set at 10 minute intervals and a total of 800 pictures over a period of about 6-7 days. I hope you’ll enjoy it. The main flowering show is at 0:49 Please like and share if you enjoyed this video! Filmed with a wingscapes 8.0 timelapsecam: Please Subscribe to my Free…