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ㅣHow to grow paprika from seed #shorts
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Your soil is liek a bank account. We need to make regular deposits in the account to make withdrawls. By building your soil, you can ensure a healthy garden, healthy plants, and better yields.
savings seeds is SO important. I can’t stress the importance enough. In this episode I will give you 3 reasons why it is so important. Check out our seed shop at
Sub-surface watering can reduce weeding and watering by up to 90%, resultiung in less weed pressure and more water conservation. In today’s episode I will be discussing 3 different methods of sub-surface watering. Thank you to for sponsoring today’s episode!
When growing grafted trees it is very important to remember one care tip that will ultimately safe the health of your tree, And that is pruning. Not just pruning the top either, but instead pruning the rootstock growth! This is a very importsnt step and one that cannot be underestimated. Shop our seed shop for…
Pruning blackberries can be daunting, but it’s actually very simple. They are a bramble, so many people treat them like raspberries but they can’t be. In this video I will show you how to prune blackberries for larger yields, bigger healthier plants, and a managable plant that won’t take over your garden. Check our our…
Shade is something that is nice to shelter from the hot sun, and it can offer privacy, but it can also ruin your garden by preventing access to sunlight which is vital to your plant’s survival. In this episode I will explain your options to handling shade coming from a neighbor’s tree, and what you…
Halloween is a time when over 1 billion pounds fo pumpkins are thrown at the side of the road every year worth an estimated $100 Million and of that nutrients are worth more than half!
An update and harvest of our 45 day beet project. This was a test to see how many harvests we could get out of our beets. We sowed seeds in April, June, August, and September!
Cover crops otherwise known as green manure are an important part to protecting, building, and feeding soil. But which cover crop is best? Which one is my favorite? All that and more in today’s episode.
We were right in the middle of showing you how to make sundried tomatoes when our son decided to make his entrance into the world. Canning lids:
In today’s episode we are talking all about composting and learning how to compost better by looking at the top six mistakes gardeners make when composting.
My uncle is a commercial bean farmer. He shared with me everything he does to get massive and consistent green beans and snap beans. These tips I am sharing with you to help you grow big and yield big!
Preventing is better than reacting. This is especially true to diseases in the garden. Powdery mildew can cause many issues with cucumbers and squash, and so controling it as well as preventing it is advised. In today’s episode we will talk about one simple method to controlling it that we use in the garden, and…
8월초 배추씨앗을 모종하여 화분에 배추를 심어 보았습니다. 19일동안 배추성장과정 영상입니다. This is a video of the Korean Cabbage growth process for 19 days. Have a nice day everyone. +음악(Youtube free music) Rain.mp3 Who_Can_Say.mp3 Fresh_Fallen_Snow.mp3 +카메라(camera) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) 소니 a6400 (Sony a6400) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC) +촬영/편집 : Korean…
Squash bugs and cucumber beetles can be such a nuscence. In this episode we will be covering how to control them using a trick I learned from a local amish farmer.
Misshapen apples are never a beautiful sight. Many gardeners get frustrated by them since they are not pretty, often pitted, and sometimes even have bug holes in them. In today’s episode, we are covering what you can do about it and what causes it in the first place. Dr. Bronner’s soap – Neem oil…
In today’s episode we are tackling 3 of the most common myths surrounding eggshells in the garden. Why they aren’t a very good source of calcium, why they don’t protect against slugs, and why they should still be used despite fears of bacteria.
Growing lettuce can be very rewarding, but nothing in my opinion is more rewarding than harvesting lettuce in the middle of summer and tasting the sweet tender greens that you usually enjoy only in early spring.
Cucumber beetles can be a real pest with cucumbers. They plague gardeners and cause tons of damage. We have managed to control them and prevent them for many years totally organically!
Saving seeds can be one of the most empowering and money saving tricks in the whole garden. In today’s episode I will be showing you how to save your very own onion seed!  Get your own onion seed over at Seed saving playlist:
In today’s episode we will be answering many questions that have came up over the years about fall tomatoes. As it pertains to variety, type, when to plant, how to plant, why fall, and and so many more questions.
21년 10월초 씨앗 마늘을 심어 22년 6월 중순 수확하였습니다. 별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요 Garlic was planted in early October, 2021 and harvested in mid-June, 22nd. I hope you enjoy the video. Have a nice day everyone. +음악(Youtube free music) Dusty Rhymes – Freedom Trail Studio.mp3 +카메라(camera) 갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus) +편집프로그램 (Editing program) 프리미어…
Siwwy Wabbits! Stay out of my bean bed. The rabbits are eating all my beans and so in today’s episode we are showing you how to rabbit proof a raised bed to keep the rabbits out of your garden. Cheap, simple, and affective.
weeding isn’t fun for anyone. It is a necessary part to having a successful garden however! In today’s episode, I will show you a super amazing trick to help you weed your garden 5x faster AND keep most of the soil where it belongs. sifter:
I cannot stress the importance of weeding your onions. For disease reduction, nutrient conservation, reduce water consumption, and increase bulb size.
If you are having problems in the garden, this video will help you to ensure you are not self inflicting the harm on your plants by trying to over-care for them. Too much of any good thing can be a bad thing!
Telling yourself it’s too late to start a garden is so dangerous because it stops you from starting a garden entirely. It is all a giant misconception based on ideas in our head about what certain plants should be started and if they aren’t started by that date then it must be too late… or…
There is no such thing as a dumb question. So when it comes to tomatoes, we get a lot of questions that people fear are “dumb” but in fact aren’t at all! Like the difference between indeterminate and determinate tomatoes, how far to space tomatoes, using baking soda and epsom salt on tomatoes to sweeten…
In today’s episode we will be covering five reasons why your blueberry plants might be having their leaves turn red. Hopefully it helps! Happy gardening.