January 10, 2025

VIDEO: What to Plant in a Small Garden Space

I am often asked “What do I plant if I only have a small space?” Obviously, a lot of variables will effect the answer. So today, I’m giving you some points of consideration when planning a small garden. Seed Starting Products: Our new grow light: https://amzn.to/2HBAJbK The Bootstrap Farmer Products I’m using: 2.5 inch pots:…

VIDEO: My MUST GROW Heirloom List | Garden Planning | Roots and Refuge Farm

Where I buy my seeds video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0UiiOCGZGc&t=549s My Favorite Seed Companies: Baker Creek: https://www.rareseeds.com/ MIGardener: https://www.migardener.com/ Hudson Valley Seed Co: https://hudsonvalleyseed.com/ Botanical Interests: https://www.botanicalinterests.com/ Trade Winds Fruit: https://www.tradewindsfruit.com/ Wild Boar Farms: https://wildboarfarms.com/ Below are the listed varieties: Tomatoes: Dr. Wyche Kelloggs Breakfast Paul Robeson Climbing Trip-L-Crop Amish Paste Pink Oxheart Wild Boar Farm Blue berries…