March 13, 2025

VIDEO: The #1 Vermicomposting Mistake You're Making!

My favorite worm bin: Does your worm bin stink? Is your worm bin too wet? Are there a ton of other bugs in your bin? You’ll be surprised to know that almost all of these problems have the same root cause…over feeding. It’s a common myth that worms can eat 100% of their own…

VIDEO: Worm bins don't smell, They love oranges & 1 year checkup

Worm bins are so simple to keep alive, they don’t stink, they don’t smell, they are easy to feed, and the castings known as vermicompost are so good for your garden. I go through a few myths of worm bins, and my experience after 1 year. .99 Heirloom Vegetable Seeds: ——————————————————————————————- MIgardener Website…