June 2, 2024

VIDEO: Path to Freedom Urban Homestead on CBC




A family in Pasadena, California has created an urban homestead on their city lot, growing more than 300 varieties of produce, raising goats, ducks, and chickens, and powering their home with 12 solar panels, biodiesel made from vegetable oil, and muscle power. They sell their wares and share their knowledge of sustainable living on their website.


  • 🏡 The Dervis family has created an urban homestead on their city lot in Pasadena, California.
  • 🌿 They grow more than 300 varieties of produce, raise goats, ducks, and chickens, and sell their wares.
  • 💡 Their home is powered by 12 solar panels, biodiesel made from vegetable oil, and muscle power.
  • 🔌 They are not entirely off the grid, but their power consumption is a third of the average California household’s.
  • 🌍 The Dervis family sees their lifestyle as a path to freedom and a way to live in balance with nature.
  • 📺 They have a television and high-tech gear, but their blender, coffee grinder, and food processor are powered by muscle.
  • 🌱 The Dervis family’s website, Path to Freedom Urban Homestead, sells their wares and shares their knowledge of sustainable living.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Path to Freedom Urban Homestead on CBC

  1. The dad mentions in an interview that it is a dangerous act to grow your own food.

    He is right and the media likely won't say why. Individuals are targeted by US Government institutions for not paying into the grid and the economy. If everybody did this, it would eliminate the power of centralized national supply chains over American consumers, and everybody who has experienced or studied it knows that communism only comes after hunger and starvation.

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