The Garden Planner can be set to give specific recommended planting dates for your area based on our database of thousands of weather stations. The software automatically calculates the best sow, plant and harvest dates and then sends email reminders twice a month detailing what you need to sown and plant out from your plans in the coming two weeks.
VIDEO: Planting Reminders and Frost Dates
The Garden Planner can be set to give specific recommended planting dates for your area based on our database of thousands of weather stations. The software automatically calculates the best sow, plant and harvest dates and then sends email reminders twice a month detailing what you need to sown and plant out from your plans in the coming two weeks.
Very Neat Tool! Had you thought about including an average yield calculator so growers could expand or diminish the size of each crop to fit the space gardened?
Hi there, I haven't been receiving any email reminders. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?