June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Starting Next Year's Plan and Crop Rotation

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
The Garden Planner can copy your garden layout from previous year’s plans making it easy to start a plan for subsequent years. It remembers where vegetables were planted in previous years and automatically advises on crop rotation so you don’t need to refer back to previous plans and books.

One thought on “VIDEO: Starting Next Year's Plan and Crop Rotation

  1. Have you guys consulted with Charles Dowding yet? I doubt he would agree with your thoughts on crop rotation and you don't seem to emphasise the benefit of starting most things off indoors (I can only think of carrots and parsnips he would sow direct). I think his colloration on this would be great if he had time – or maybe you could read his books! If you get him on board this would be flying because his only 'fault' is that he is a commercial grower; he has tons of followers is known internationally and no dig gardening is BIG right now. I think your product is worthy and I shall register once we get our garden going in the next 6 months 🙂

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