March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Homegrown Revolution (Award winning short-film 2009)- The Urban Homestead, Dervaes




The Urban Homestead is a short film showcasing the journey of a family in Pasadena towards self-sufficiency by turning their city lot into an urban homestead. The family grows their own food, raises chickens, produces biodiesel, and uses solar energy. The father’s transformation began during the hippie era and his defining moment came during the Vietnam War, which led him to question the purpose of life. He then began homesteading and eventually settled in Southern California, where he turned his lawn into a garden and began his journey towards self-sufficiency.


  • 🌱 The Urban Homestead showcases a family’s journey towards self-sufficiency.
  • 🐓 The family grows their own food and raises chickens in their city lot.
  • 🌞 The family uses solar energy to power their homestead.
  • 🌿 The father’s transformation began during the hippie era and his defining moment came during the Vietnam War.
  • 🚜 The father began homesteading and eventually settled in Southern California, where he turned his lawn into a garden.
  • 🌽 The family’s journey towards self-sufficiency began when they learned that genetically modified food had entered the food supply.
  • 🏡 The family turned their ordinary home into an extraordinary urban homestead.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Homegrown Revolution (Award winning short-film 2009)- The Urban Homestead, Dervaes

  1. Here we are in mid-2019. Now they're geoengineering the weather and using it as a weapon against the people. In addition, zoning laws now prevent us from growing food on our own property and in many places it is now illegal to collect rain water.
    The only food available are almost all GMO's AND are contaminated with glyphosate, atrazine, fluoride, (yes, it's in food as well as water and drinks) and a slew of other poisons.

  2. ola ,moro em Anapolis Brasil ,estou procurando por um projeto pra mnha horta no meu quintal ,estou juntando dinheiro pra fazer um poco ,e en seguida sera os material para minha roca ,estou aqui pra pedir a vcs se tiverem sementes horganicas pra doar ou vender ,eu ja estou criando coelho e galinhas ,e quero faser uma bio sustentabilidade no meu quinta lmeu espaco e pequeno e quero usar todo o espaco que eu tenho ,vi que e possivel fazser estufas verticais e meu sonho cabe no meu espaco so nao sei por onde comecar por isso estou emviando essa mensagem se voces poderem me ajudar com ideias meu filhos e eu estamos precisando e desde ja somos muito agradecidos ,meu imail bjs e muito feliz por conhecer esse canal fantastico

  3. I live in some islamic Lands and learn to hate the Conqueror (!?) But now, I know and hope: best plants need dirt and .hit! Peace and love and freedom for all of us!

  4. This was grate to watch and very inspiring!
    Only question i cant understand is: how did you made a living in those 20 years?
    and don't tell me it was eggs and vegetables… buying a nice house & car, raising 3 kids and everything…

  5. first watched this in 2007. planted my backyard and front yard garden in 2008 and haven't looked back. thank you dervaes family. you changed my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Just heard your interview on a vancouver radio program "Radio Eco-shock"…. didnt realize how much I'd let go of the vegetable gardern after taking over the family home. Will get back into it…. Thank you ..

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