September 20, 2024

VIDEO: How to identify a Hazel tree




This video provides a guide on how to identify a hazel tree by its fruit, leaves, and bark. The hazel tree can be propagated by layering and is commonly used for coppicing.


  • 🌳 Hazel trees can grow up to 9 meters high.
  • 🌰 The fruit of the hazel tree is called hazelnuts or cob nuts and is usually found in clusters of three or four.
  • 🌱 The tree can be propagated by layering and is commonly used for coppicing.
  • 🍃 The leaves of the hazel tree are almost circular and dark green on one side and light green on the other.
  • 🌳 Hazel trees have loads of stems and can be coppiced for making bows, fences, and firewood.
  • 🍂 The bark of the hazel tree is silvery in some parts and has lots of little dots on it.
  • 🐿️ Squirrels, pigeons, and mice like to eat hazelnuts, so it is best to collect them as soon as they ripen and before they fall on the ground.

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