A Self Sufficient Me production about making tomato toasties.
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Yeah, the mini ovens are great and they're pretty well priced these days too
@Silkymits2000 Ha ha very funny, yeah why not try an obscure name for your next video? However, I would't recommend it as it hasn't helped get me many hits – I probably should have called it toasted tomatoes or something more familure
@Silkymits2000 Cheers for that
Yea man. Gonna do this. !!! Cool vid
LOVE your humour! xD
Crikey, these vintage Mahrk videos are crackin!
Half past midnight here and you've made me hungry
You had a knack for putting a video together even here Mark
I came across your YouTube algorithm suggested tomato video a few weeks ago, stayed for the kangaroo burial, and was tugged by the chicken bullying saga. And now slowly making my way through your older content at the same time as looking forward to your next installment over on SelfSufficientMe2. Thank you for the information, entertainment, and your heart-centeredness.
It's like a mini artisan pizza
Mark, have you ever tried toasties with half a soft bread roll. Mannnn, it's delicious. I used to serve them when I was tuck shop convenor at the local high school and they were a hit.
You've come a LONG WAY since this … uh … offering!