June 9, 2024

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to get your hens back in the pen

  1. Ha ha, candy is a good way to describe it. Once chickens get to know you they think you always have something (candy) for them each time you visit, so it's best to bring a little treat otherwise they'll pester until you leave ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. @Silkymits2000 Can happen unfortunately. The chicks are usually vaccinated and then fed a medicated crumble for the first few weeks to build imunity to some illnesses; even so, some do still get sick and die. Overall, chickens are pretty resilient though and I'm glad they replaced the hen you lost – so they should of.

  3. Do what your doing. Chickens have eyes each side. Get a stick. Wave it on the other side and they turn the way you want. Then when there to far do it on the other side. Keep changing hand and they will go straight.

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