March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Printing and Sharing Your Garden Plan

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here:
The Vegetable Garden Planner makes it easy to plan out all types of garden plots. This video explains how to print plans for maximum clarity and also how to share a garden plan via email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. Publishing a plan to a web page is demonstrated which makes it simple to view on mobile devices such as phones or tablets out in the garden

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Printing and Sharing Your Garden Plan

  1. If Garden Planner is a scaled down version of the growveg subscription version then is it possible to see which features are not supported in the Garden Planner app? Also is it possible to print out the planned raised beds to a hard copy since it’s too hard to see the cell phone/app screen outdoors due to glare/sun?

  2. Some thoughts having now watched all the series (bar this one). As previously mentioned, I seriously think you need to get some input from Charles Dowding to improve it (growing indoors and multi sowing for example) and to help promote it; and I think suggesting companion planting and intercroppers should be included for more effeciant cropping or are they already there on the individual plant details? Either way, I think they need to be on the plan if planed/used. Please note I have NOT used the software yet, just watched this set of videos.

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