June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Zucchini (Courgettes) from Sowing to Harvest

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
Whether you know them as zucchini or courgette, these stars of the summer garden are renowned for being incredibly prolific.

Get zucchini off to a good start and there’s no end to their generosity – you can even eat their flowers too!

In this short video we’ll share our tips for sowing, planting, and caring for zucchini – not forgetting the golden rule when it comes to harvest time…

Plus, for more information on how to hand-pollinate squash watch our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3VRlKa3Cqc

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Zucchini (Courgettes) from Sowing to Harvest

  1. This is the first year that I've grown 95% of my garden from seed, it's been an interesting adventure. Like riding a roller coaster, lots of highs and lows.

  2. First time dropping in. I am growing squash and they are already flowering but plants are short and small. I added some fish emulsion a few days ago. They have grown a little but not like big and bushy. I wish they were.

  3. I planted my first zucchini this year. This morning I saw two female flowers and a couple of males, however there were also some closed flowers that had fallen beneath the plant. What would cause this? We did have several days of hard rains last week. Would that be the reason?

  4. Do they not have vine borers in Europe? I was hoping you'd tackle that subject. The US is ate up with them and within a month of their fruiting good fruit the vine borers have their way with the plant. Yellow squash plants get it the worst. This year I've wrapped the bottom 10 inches of the stem with aluminum foil and that helped tremendously – But, it's only July and they're rapidly coming to their death :/ Any suggestions.

  5. Hi. I have a problem with my zucchini. The female flowers open, but some days after it the fruits start to get little yellowish and thinner. Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?
    My balcony has some few hours of sun in the morning and in the evening. I give water each day or all two days depending if the humus is humid/wet or dry. One plant is in a pot filled 22cm high and 30cm in diameter. Filled as follows; 2cm sand, 2cm decomposing material, 14cm mix of humus and sand in a ratio 4:1 and the last 4cm are only humus.

  6. I just bought a pack of Zucchini seeds from Big W. But it reads as “Lebanese Zucchini”. Just wonder, are there big differences in the ways growing them ?

  7. I am growing some golden zucchini for the first time. I plan on lacto fermenting some of them, as I know how delicious fermented zucchini are, having done so many times before.

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