New canker video now up: If your apple or pear tree has canker, what should you do? Well in this video, Dad explains the effective way of getting rid of it!
VIDEO: How to get rid of fruit tree canker
New canker video now up: If your apple or pear tree has canker, what should you do? Well in this video, Dad explains the effective way of getting rid of it!
Most certainly need to use a sterile paint brush from clean and sterile sealer if you are going to use a sealer at all going from One Tree to the other dabbing the wounds from the same sealer is total failure that's like using the same bandage from one gangrene to the next you have to think of it like a infection surgery on humans you will never get rid of it unless you take better precautions 4 sterilization
How can i make this paste…
Do you find that the chem trails are bothering your fruit trees and veggies…grapes???seems to me after they spray in the next couple days it looks like someone has herbicided all the leaves…my second season McIntosh seems to have died
Thank you. Great video. We only have 5 trees but don't want to loose any. This will definitely help and I don't have to prune a major limb to get rid of the canker. Thank you.
Thank you for your video. Your video is extremely helpful.
We have a magnolia tree, not very big, it has a canker about 1 yard, like 2 inches from the bottom and upward. Previous summer I applied ammonia from a spray bottle. Seems like it helped a bit, but this year there are some more rotten areas inside. I plan to continue with ammonia and try that idea, someone shared in comments about a torch, but I want to ask if that tree can be cured (if the canker is so big, only ~2.5 inches left to the other side of the trunk). Diameter of the trunk is ~7 inches. We recently bought the house with the tree. Thank you for the useful and informative film.
What u used to seal the wounds please?
You are so loving towards the trees, thank you, I love my trees too!
would love to see long term follow up on these kinds of videos
Warm was eating on my red delicious apple tree i did similar and I add some alcohol against any living creatures in there than I put black seal and grafting tape around it .
Hopefully I got it right.
I agree, seal the cleaned wounds. I have completely reversed trees from dying like this. Great work
What's the chance we can get an 8 year update on this tree?
Do you have a "year later" proof that this actually worked?
I would ditch the messy Arbrex applicator & instead use a cheap paintbrush & throw it after use. Could you cut the tree trunk down to healthy wood and then use its healthy branches to implant one or more grafts onto the stump ?
Will this work for stone fruit trees as well? I have a peach tree w/ canker.
thanks for the vid but would have been nice to see the canker for identifying purposes.
I never knew that natural herbs could be so powerful, my herpes virus 2 was cure with it with the assistance of Dr Madida on YouTube.
You need a hoof knife.
Nice bark tracing! Well done.
Sir, what is the composition of the remedy you applied to the cleared cancer wound of the tree? Thank you.
If washing your blade with milk cleans the blade, will washing the wound with milk help?
Finally got cured from the herpes virus and words alone can’t even express how grateful I am to Dr shola who made this possible
thank you for sharing, this was very educational
I'm afraid our wonderful Zestar Apple tree may soon be done, after 15 years of sometimes meager , other times abundant harvests. Best apples I ever tasted! But black mold and canker damage on the trunk, ants, woodpecker holes have me desperate to try anything. I've scrubbed with bleach water where I can reach. Question- has anyone successfully plugged up deep woodpecker holes? It has 1 inch green apples started, but I fear it may die before harvest. From Northern Plains USA.
I lost one of best trees because of similar problems. I REGRET not grafting some other trees with a graft from the one I lost.
FYI fungi need oxygen to survive. Sealing is an inherently antifungal operation…
Canker is fungal.
Fungus's hate alkaline.
Put bicarb on the canker.
Also works on cancer.
Do us all a big favor…fire the camera guy, please!
I just discovered a big bunch of orange sap coming out of the main trunk on my peach tree so I'm probably going to have to do something with that too I was kind of wondering if a butane torch would work to eliminate the fungus on the wound instead of using a chisel which seems very drastic