December 22, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Radishes from Seed

Radishes are a great vegetable to add to your salad for a bit of colour and spice. They are ready to harvest between 3-6 weeks after planting the seed. A great way to have a good supply of them is to plant 2 rows, wait two weeks, the rows you have already planted are well on their way and now plant another two rows, then wait a couple of weeks and another two rows and so forth giving you a big supply of radishes. Check out my facebook page:

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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Radishes from Seed

  1. What is neat is that different things work for different folks. I pick a patch and never walk on my raised beds, I level and prepare the square area and plant the seed in the patch and gently cover them over, lately with compost or potting soil. I then let them come up, eat any thinnings and have great radishes which by the way I like when they get spicier. Keep up the good work.

  2. Nice vid! I grow radishes but I have had no success when I plant them in the ground. I use disposable plastic cups and plant one seed in each and get good results as I can keep them well watered and also keep the SLUGS off!

  3. I am pleased that you are wanting to learn more! That's why I have this channel! The latest time to plant radishes is mid August to early September, around 3 weeks before the first frost, I hope this helps! Huw

  4. Thank for the reply,it's a good channel you have.In fact i have subbed & will check you other vids soon…In the mean time any other veg i can plant/ harvest this year,this late ?.Thanks again

  5. Sorry for the delay, right then, the veg you can grow in late summer is, Carrots, French beans, Coriander, Potatoes in containers, Kale, Peas, Radish, Spring onions and salad leaves, that should be a good supply. Thanks for watching!

  6. Thank you for subscribing and sorry for the delay, the comment did not come up in my inbox, sorry, here are some more veggies you can plant: Carrots, Chard, Kale, French Beans, Peas, Coriander, Salad Leaves, Potatoes in containers and spring onions, hope this helps, Huw

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