March 6, 2025

VIDEO: How to Propagate Roses from Cuttings – 3 Simple Methods to Propagate them from Cuttings

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Growing Roses from cuttings is easy and fun, In this video (An upgrade of my older video) I show you 3 different ways to get your cuttings to root, creating a mini greenhouse, water and using a propagator. Propagating them from cuttings is inexpensive and they grow true to the plant you collected the cuttings from!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Propagate Roses from Cuttings – 3 Simple Methods to Propagate them from Cuttings

  1. This method will absolutely not work.  Your cuttings will rot.  You need intermittent mist, proper drainage, and environmental controls.  The people that have any success with propagation (commercial growers) have elaborate and very expensive systems.

  2. The only method I've tried is to put the cut stems in jars of water. It takes six weeks before roots appear. I've never used rooting hormone, honey or anything else. I leave the jars in the laundry. Sometimes I've forgotten about them and have found the successful ones can be left in the jars for months. The roots are very long, which is amazing as when put into the ground, at the right time of year, they grow just fine. I've got some lovely rose bushes from these cuttings.

  3. You didn't say what season you're doing this. Is it spring or fall? Looks like new growth, so my guess is spring. For those wanting to attempt his methods, you need to use new growth cuttings. I'm going to give the bag method a try.

    I've used a similar method to your mini greenhouses with great success: prepare cuttings the exact same way. Do this just before the plant starts going dormant in the fall. Then stick them in the ground, cover with a glass jar. If the first freeze comes late, maybe water once or twice. In the spring they will have roots.

    Thanks for the video!

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