March 7, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Apple Trees from Seed

Time for another fruit seed growing video and this is growing apples from seed. I will show you the simple method to get them to germinate and also how to prepare them and what materials you need. Please check out my channel and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Thanks How to transplant the sprouted seeds

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Apple Trees from Seed

  1. If you use seeds from self pollinating apple varieties, like Golden Delicious, Braeburn, etc, the genetics of the seeds can carry on to a self pollinated fruiting tree. This works genetically and only one tree is required to fruit. If the apples are good, you may have a new variety of apple

  2. I am wondering, If I am to germinate this apple seeds of mine for about 2 weeks. That means around 19 july I'll have sprout.
    Then I'll pot it for awhile.
    Would I have enough time to plant the plant before winter comes? If not, will the plant die throughout the winter? I'm from Belgium

  3. I once grew two apple trees from seeds and neither of them turned out like the original. One got beautiful large oblong yellow and very dry apples and the tree were severely ridden by cancer. The second tree was healthy that produced smaller fruits similar to Granny Smitht in fact even darker green, and extremely acidic.

  4. I'm confused. If the seeds are kept in the fridge (cold) then how can they be tricked into thinking they have gone through winter? Surely as it's cold they'll still think it's winter?

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