I am going to be planting some garlic in containers and show you how I will be doing it. It is a great project but possibly plant them a bit wider apart if you have more space. Just get the cloves from a garlic bulb and plant them 2 inches down in some compost. Best time to plant them is around the first frost and let them overwinter before they start growing in spring. Please rate, comment and subscribe! http://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery
VIDEO: Growing Garlic in Containers from Organic Garlic Bulbs
I am going to be planting some garlic in containers and show you how I will be doing it. It is a great project but possibly plant them a bit wider apart if you have more space. Just get the cloves from a garlic bulb and plant them 2 inches down in some compost. Best time to plant them is around the first frost and let them overwinter before they start growing in spring. Please rate, comment and subscribe! http://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery
It's my noise of working out maths
it's so funny! Lol
Nice video would you mined doing a shout out for me, I really hate to asked but I need some help getting started on YouTube. Can't wait for more videos.
nice vid i gre glic in a bckt lst year and left hem in my old house, i just moved in feb, went to visit old house last week and got my old garlic plants (in my new vid you will see 2) also a easy tip to start, get garlic, seperate the closes, wrap in kitchen roll, wet, leave in a a warm room, check it in a few days it should mostly all have good roots, as a bonus to planting in ground asap, try it, ifit works d a vid on "starting garlic"
its been nice in east yorkshire too today…thats where i am. i got sunburnt. but it rains everyother day at the moment too…still ,it fills the water butt up anyway. another great video….thanks, keep them coming.
Thanks for watching and both of our water butts are almost always full!
Brilliant, I have loads of garlic left so I will do that! Thanks again! Great info!
Good fun, Huw! As you might know, I'm a garlic enthusiast.
I hope that the rest sprout up and they should! Very easy germinating, make a video about harvesting them if they grow. Thanks!
Yeah that's fine. I like helping out other gardeners so expect one in a video or two! thanks for watching! Huw
hi there..must tell you…i sowed some radishes only four days ago..popped them in mini growhouse and have got 3 little shoots already ! its been awful weather today..not been out and im itching to plant something..lol.
I'm not an enthusiast yet, but it was good fun!
Amazing growth there! We are having horrible weather as well
I wish it could do the raining at night, and the sun in the day! Thanks
hello huw
you are a amazing gardener and i have learnt sooo much from you. i've watched most your vids and was just wandering if u could give me a shout out please? i'm new to making video's but would like to learn sometips?
Hi enjoyed your video. I am growing garlic in containers just now. Hope you don´t mind me saying — the big one is a bulb and the little ones you plant are called cloves and are planted with the sharp end up. Hope they turn out well for you.
Did you get any garlic?
Loved it! Thank u for the info!!
Hi Huw, leave the skin on each clove. Plant pointy side up.
Thank u im trying out my first garden
your teeth The same donkey teeth with Garlic Smell
Hmm.. Really helpful.. Thanks
Thanks Huw,
I love your enthusiasm and I have now subscribed to your site.
My organic gardening is on a VERY small scale… Window-sill-style
Regards Jan x
Do you only use soil?
Great. I hope your yeild was beautiful I am going to look for the post
great video. you're really fun to watch
Cloves != seeds
could you please send me a link to the follow up video you did of the garlic if you did one? how did they turn out? cheer jess ps love your videos have subscribed, thanks
no watering??
I watched one vid which I’m trying this year pack all your cloves together in a small container with water in and leave until they sprout then plant.