June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Quail brooder mod from bird or rabbit cage

Quail brooder made from modified rabbit, guinea pig, or parrot cage. Video starts with new hatchlings and then progresses to 5 days old. The brooder design and inside equipment is described in this presentation. Ask questions – my fourm is @ http://www.selfsufficientculture.com/ or visit my blog http://www.selfsufficientme.com This vid was requested by cubaniton74 – hope you like it 🙂

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Quail brooder mod from bird or rabbit cage

  1. I got the cage online from K-mate (now called Klika.com) but they don't sell the exact cage anymore. However, the exact or similar cage to mine is still sold on ebay or online just search for ferret cage double unit. Any cage with a pull out tray works well or even any suitable cage suspended above a manure catchment area will work for quail as long as the flooring is a square mesh like my video shows. Of course, some people use a solid floor with litter but this method is extra work IMHO.

  2. We have two incubators that we are using to hatch out 50 mail order scholfeild silver collection hatching eggs. Our brinsea mini only holds 12 quail eggs at a time. We know that is a great incubator as we’ve used it to hatch our own fertile chicken eggs. The other one is a farm innovation digital self turning one. We borrowed it so we have never used it before. We don’t want to put all our eggs in one basket, so to speak, so lan to use both, rather than just the borrowed one. We have a heat lamp and a large cardboard box with grit paper and cut straw ready for brooding. We also have a heating pad that we can put under the box opposite the heat lamp for extra warmth, while leaving an unseated area in the center of the box. We will see which areas the birds prefer based on their behavior, to see if we should adjust the heat levels. I’ve been told that they are sturdier than they would seem and don’t require as much heat after the first few days. We don’t know how many chicks we will get out of 50 eggs bought through the mail. If we get a very large hatch out of 20 or so, then we can put hardware cloth around the bottom half of a portable large dog kennel. Half of the hatch will go to go to a friend that bought them together with us, as we don’t need 20 birds. We will be happy with 5-7, but as it’s for my daughter school course, we wanted to improve the odds of producing chicks by increasing the number of eggs. The kennel would be for weeks 2-4, until they move to their pen outside. We are building it this weekend in an old 4ft x 8 ft raised garden bed that was to close to a large tree to produce crops well. We are planning 4 ft high with doors on both ends and two shelters inside it as well as a couple of small shrubs such as rosemary or lavender to hide amongst. Maybe a log or two to play around. Our local farm store has game bird starter, so we are good for feed. We know we are supposed to grind it finer for the first couple of weeks till the birds can handle crumble, then mini pellets. Do you think that this will be successful? If not, do you have any suggestions? We have waterers that we use for chicken chicks, but we will put small stones in it to prevent drowning.

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