March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Best Compost

Another first attempt in the garden but this time creating organic compost with much success.
The basic ingredients are browns and greens water and oxygen, browns can be anything from fallen leaves to cardboard, and greens can be anything fresh from unwanted plants, Browns contain Carbon and greens contain Nitrogen two of the components which is necessary to start the process.

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Best Compost

  1. Absolutely. It seems to be improving day by day, for a first attempt I'm quite happy with the results, they say compost just happens, it happens a lot better when one helps it.

  2. I have yet to use any of this compost, about a week ago I cut off a lot of branches off from a large tree and place the leaves into the compost bin, great I thought I managed to fill the bin, next morning it dropped down to half filled, a few days later it dropped further, but the good news is that the heat is unbearable with a touch of the hand, all good. Thanks for the advice.

  3. No as a matter of fact I haven't, but I have continued to add more materials to improve the quantity, I am planning in using this compost in a week or two now that I have added an additional raised bed to the garden, I've also planted some seeds that day by day are sprouting but still need time to be used with this compost.

  4. Thank you for saying, today I used some of this compost for the first time in one of my raised beds containing peppers cabbage cherry tomato and a zucchini, I'll have to wait a few days to see if there is an improvement, I'm almost certain there will be.

  5. o im sure you will nothing better then organic matter! mines not quite ready yet but i am using somewhat of an open air compost bin but cant wait to put it all down for next year. im sure your vegetables will appreciate it its like fine dining for them!

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