June 10, 2024

VIDEO: New MIgardener Intro

hope everyone enjoys this one! its here to stay for a while! lol. give me a star rateing with the asterix such as (5 stars *****)
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: New MIgardener Intro

  1. Sorry that is not what I meant to do, I really like the new intro, change does not bother me I was just trying to let others know that we still have all the old ones to go back and watch. I enjoy all your work and impressed with the work, I would be lucky to do a intro with crayons on still photography. Sorry again, that I why I do not make videos because I do not express myself very well.

  2. I think if you kept the MI letters from flipping on its head while rotating or morphed it into a face or tool might look better when showing vlog and how to's interesting music. and I was just getting use to the dancing plant too ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. It's better when your your holding your plants and dancing! That cracks me up. I can't find the calcium carbonate at a garden center . What is the baking soda recipe?

  4. You poor guy! Busting your behind comming up with a new intro and then spending even MORE time appologizing to everyone..sheesh. Guess what guys…it's his channel, he gets to do what he wants lol. And furthermore, while I did enjoy the last intro, I watch his channel for the information and general content… He could have no intro at all and I think we'd all still think his channel is awesome :-p

  5. Thanks for the help ! I'm from OHIO so its tuff to get advice from a Michigan dude. If you could post a vid on how to stop rabbits and deer etc from eating my tomatoes that would be sweet! Have you ever tried a German strawberry tomato?

  6. Geez, you're just a nice guy! My input is…if you didn't like the intro (old or new), then unsubscribe! Geez, it's not like people are paying you to watch! He's offering free help to people! Quit ya'll complaining! Skip the intro or unsubscribe!!

  7. I like it. On the old one your tomatos looked wilted, and I so desperately wanted to water them he he he. Maybe it because I live in such a dry arid area, that I felt compelled to do that. lol.

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