Last episode I breifly teased about there being an exciteing episode. this episode is a first for me, and hopefully you enjoy it! I for sure had fun! I will also be putting out actual video footage sometime along with this, because I am aware that just audio is not the most entertaining to listen to. I hope everyone enjoys it! Here are cilckable links!!!
The Wis Veggie Gardeners youtube –
The Wis Veggie website –
link to the *FULL* Podcast –
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First view! oh yeah. I already listened you on the podcast. Great job!
It is easy to support you and your great videos. Good tips, fun and just plan enjoyable.
Aw, congratulations! You're such a nice guy- I'm glad good things are happening for you.
I didn't do anything.. Honest.. = )
I watched the whole thing! Congratulations Luke! And you are very right about when people just plant a plant and throw in some miracle grow, you have to take care of them like people and pets. And also I want to recommend a book that I haven't recommended to anyone (except my family), I have read it and you should! It's an amazing book! It's called The Magic by:Rhonda Byrne. And please check it out, and again congratulations!
Hi Luke! Please don't take this the wrong way, because I mean it as a compliment. There is a great deal of humility and modesty shining through this video, and it really, really suits you. Keep up the amazing job in your gardens and thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge with nuby gardeners like me.
Also Rhonda Byrne has written 3 books, 1. The Secret 2.The Power 3.and lastly the one I recommend is 3. The Magic! The Secret explains the whole thing about her and The Secret. You might be wondering what is the secret, but read the books and you'll find a magical life! All the best, The Organic Boy (organicgardening987). P.S. Don't forget to read my first comment!
I'll just write you a very quick message to explain what I meant.
Very inspiring, I personally have decided to ignore all those negative people when it comes to gardening, those people where you happen to mention a new project in process only to have your hopes downgraded by jealous or negative people or people who just don't understand that it is possible.
Luke, what a fine and inspirational podcast! You are so dedicated, articulate, hard-working, humble, caring, intelligent, motivated…..I could go on and on. When I eat a fresh tomato right off the vine, I think of you and how I could make it better using your tips. Your passion for gardening has touched my life in such a great way, and young people like you are the future of our country, you might someday run for President and transform the White House lawn into a huge garden!
God Bless You
You did a great job with the interview! Your energy and passion are really uplifting…I have watched your videos for a long time and really enjoy them
I love the part where you talk about being young affecting your credibility. I get this a lot from other market growers. I can imagine at your age you get it all the time (I am 31). I once read that young farmers make better market growers because they are not stuck in their ways. Most young growers are willing to try new techniques and open to new ideas/methods. Great work, Luke! Your passion for gardening will lead you far in life.
Wow, congratulations, you really are an inspiration. I'm glad they asked you about your preservation techniques, I wanted to ask if you canned/preserved after watching your tomato seed saving video. I'll have to listen to the entire interview when I get a chance next week! Congrats again
Also, have you ever considered becoming a master gardener through your county extension office? I did it this past year and it has been a fantastic experience. You mentioned getting involved in the community, and being a master gardener definitely gets you "out there"
Awesome, Professional interview Luke! We are all so very proud of you!
Great pod cast thus far. I had to pause it at the part when you say that you do a lot of freezing with your harvest. I'd like to strongly suggest that you start dehydrating. Yes, canning is great and fun, but dehydrating everything is also fun and it's easier & smarter. If you lose elec for any length of time, all of that frozen harvest will become worthless. I, myself, just got into dehydrating and am doing everything!! I've become a dehydrating fool! lol
Hope youre taking a nice break. Relax and Refresh and everything looks better.