June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Rambo Outdoor Wok Burner Have A Wok-A-Q .mp4

Go to http://www.selfsufficientculture.com/forum.php for more details (like cost and specs). In this video, I demonstrate the Rambo Wok Burner (outdoor). I talk through some of its features then show how to use it as a stir-fry with a wok. To find out more about this burner and to discuss it’s features/uses follow the link above to our forum.

If you are looking for a similar burner in the USA then check this one out https://bit.ly/2bNvwOz


Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Rambo Outdoor Wok Burner Have A Wok-A-Q .mp4

  1. Every Asian house hold has one or more of these burners. Awesome burners!!! Btw, hope you noticed the fire wall (on the wok stand there's a side with a metal barrier) that is meant to protect you while you're cooking, use that to face you when cooking and the fire won't come up your way.

  2. Love the idea of a Wok-A-Q. Your food looked delicious ! I was appreciating all your wonderful homegrown vegetables that were going into the Stir Fry… Thanks for taking the time to make this video –

  3. Hi mate, thanks for you video. Just wanted to ask would this work with a flat bottom wok aswell, as your is a round one or they are just designed for round bottoms. Cheers

  4. the fire was too big, food burnt! 1. heat oil until hot but not smoking, your oil had overheated, smoking, not good for health, would get cancer if eat in the long term… 2. add meat, stir until fully cooked and fat melt, sizzling! add soy sance, sugar to the taste… take out cooked meat rest aside… meat should have been soaked in warm water to get rid of the blood and dirty staff, 3. heat oil then add onions, garlic, or spring onions, stir until frigrant and add sauce etc…. 4, add vagies stir until soft and fully cooked 5, put meat back into the wok, stir until mixed, add water and salt to taste and cover with wok lip, until sauce shrink to your ideal, 6 done……

  5. Don't follow this clown's technique. He added too much oil, overcooked the veggies, cut the meat way too big, and didn't move the food around quickly and thourough enough

  6. Hi mate
    Do you still have this burner (8 years on?)
    How has it stood the test of time ?

    I’m looking at buying my first wok burner.

    You still recommend this or have you come across a better one since you filmed this video?

    And had your wok tossing skills improved since this video also? Lol
    Would love to see another demo and recipe video.

    Burner looks awesome.


  7. I love cooking in my wok. Gotta' get myself a high-BTU burner like yours, though. The stove-top inside the house never gets quite hot enough and it's always a bit wobbly since it doesn't have anything to nest into like yours. Things can get precarious during all the action. Very nice!

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