June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Growing cactus fruits are easy

In February I took two cuttings from a Nopales Cactus and placed one in a container in direct sunlight and the other in the ground in a shaded area, one of the cactus in the shade didn’t produce any fruit but just an additional three leaves, the other which was in direct sunlight produced three amazing fruits.

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing cactus fruits are easy

  1. hii, i have my prickly pear grown from seed of prickly pear from store.. it has being with me for 3 years now.. it is now of 2 section of leaves. twice i see something like a bud trying to grow.. but it comes to nothing at the end..

    any idea how to induce it to fruit ? or how long does it takes to fruit ?


  2. How many hours of direct sung light does your pot cactus get ? Mine gets almost 6 hours of direct sunlight and the rest gets shaded when the sun moves, is that ok or it won’t bear fruit ?

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