How and why to make a ramp for ducks to get in and out of a rasied duck pond and at the end of the video shows a real duck using the ramp
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Great video! I'm going to use this idea thanks!
So glad you liked it! Thank you very much! Cheers, Mark
Thanks Diana:) Old ball and chain…lol
Thanks for this! Does the wire hurt their feet? Seems like they might be subject to bumblefoot.
Been trying to figure out a ramp material for the inside for awhile. Pretty excited about the plastic coated hardware cloth!! Thanks for the video and idea.
Thanks for the vid Mark. Will use your idea. We have mallards in our outdoor pond, but need a ramp for the ducklings that will be born soon.
Any ideas for a design for a round pond? I've made five ramps now for my geese to use on their 3 meter wide raised pond. The ramp to get in is no problem as it is next to higher ground. But to get out, they completely ignore the sloping ramp with rubber matting, for grip. Just try the sides. Water level 20cm lower than side. So sad as they get so stressed, so won't go in, without being herded/pushed. I know this is old video but any advice please.
Please may I ask if you ever have an issue with your chickens getting into this pond (or, more precisely, falling in and failing to get out)?