June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Lettuce From Seed

Everyone has their methods for growing lettuce, in this video, I illustrate how I’ve grown lettuce from seed and how and what works for me.
Watch complete guide new version.
Growing Lettuce Seeds and harvesting (New Version)👍 https://youtu.be/TI7nCe1LZuM

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Lettuce From Seed

  1. I have planted 2-3 seeds per jiffy pot now i have a whole bunch of stringy leaves? what is wrong with my lettece and how do i seperate each plant when it looks like i have grow them all out of the same seed?

  2. Sorry but this gives no tips for how to pot up the tiny fragile lettuces or what to do when you have several growing intertwined, too delicate to separate. Or when to put outdoors or anything useful at all.

  3. have you tried a more compact method?
    ive recently started an indoor garden for the first time and my spacing would be about half of what you have maybe slightly more…
    do you think the lettuce will still flourish? or is that much room really needed?

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