March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Hickory Nut 101 – Harvesting and Uses

In this episode I cover the two types of Hickory nut, and the uses for both. Hickory nuts are a great source of viatimins and minerals, They are a little treat in a shell with so many uses!

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hickory Nut 101 – Harvesting and Uses

  1. I have been eating hickory nuts for ever, but growing up they were known as "PIG" nuts
    we also collected and ate BUTTER NUTS. we got them by the bucket full. Sad to say many of the trees are gone now. All we did was eat them, hours at a time, wonderful flavor. lots of happy family time.

  2. Smalley172 is correct. The first hickory nuts you showed were Bitternut Hickory. They aren't worth eating, but they produce an excellent salad oil according to my friend Sam Thayer. The second, Shagbark Hickory. Shellbark Hickory nuts are significantly larger than Shagbark Hickory. Try doing a Google Image search for Shagbark Hickory and Shellbark Hickory nuts. Thanks for making the video; I loved the tip on setting up the pan for smoking.

  3. Zowie's is just Adorable!!!!! The second tree is a Shag-bark Hickory not Shell-bark tree… I have a bunch of Shag-barks in my woods behind my house… I just started to harvest them… There are a lot of common Hickory's by the Delaware River where I live, I harvested a joint compound bucket full and they were bitter so I threw them out… Thanks for the tip to use them for Hickory Smoking meat!!!! I gonna head out this week to get some cause there's buckets full….

  4. Thanks! Live and learn. Never seen it marketed in my country in any form ever…didn't even know the existent of a Hickory nut. I look forward to eating it one day.

  5. I have what i think is a pig nut Hickory in a forest near me about 4 or more & trying to get baby ones out of the ground like 6 to foot long but hard to figure out if it is a hickory bc that small does not have alot of leaves on it how can I identify if it is a Hickory or not when the branches r about 10 15 feet up in the air? I want to plant one in my yard but I am having hard time figuring out if the baby ones r or not do u know by looking at baby ones if so any pointers also is Big nut hickory good Hickory tree thanks

  6. You can eat the small hickory nuts also. They are just as good as the Shagbark but takes more work to get the meat. If you get enough nut meats you can make a pie like a Pecan pie just using hickory.

  7. You miss identified those hickory trees, don't know if you have made a later correction video but if not, then I just thought you should know, the one you kept calling shellbark was actually a shagbark and the one you called a common is the shellbark. There is a difference and the names are not interchangeable.
    There are several species of hickory trees, but the three most commonly grown hickories are the shellbark, or kingnut (Carya laciniosa), the shagbark (Carya ovata) and Southern shagbark (Carya carolinae-septentrionalis) — are closely related, and they are distinguished by their leaf composition and nut size.

  8. I have some hickory trees on our property and as a child I ate the nuts from the tree and only collected them after they fell from the trees. We have plenty of black walnut trees and different berries also which grow on the homestead. I am going to start collecting the hickory and walnuts again and use them to eat and during the Summer collect berries for canning and bagging in the freezer. We also have polk salad which grows here and I can use them like cooking other greens or with other greens.

  9. Remember to tell your friends that the bark in the husk of your hickory nuts are great for smoking in the grill they all flavor of your food just like a wood bark wood and if you dampen them before you use them that will cause them to smoke more. Great flavoring for barbecuing

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