March 26, 2025

VIDEO: MIgardener Halloween Special – Get Free Seeds Simple!

In this episode I teach you how to obtain FREE seeds, and heirloom seeds from a reliable source.
USDA link:
Send mail to:
PO box 131
Marysville, MI 48040

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: MIgardener Halloween Special – Get Free Seeds Simple!

  1. I really like this video. Very excited about the information. I'm a "hobbyist" grower and the process was a little daunting. I understood how to complete the order, but was unfamiliar with how things were organized. If you understand it better could you do a quick video showing a casual gardener how to effectively search and find what they're looking for?

  2. Hey MIgardener… I was skeptical at first, but with your help on wording at the USDA site, I actually got about half of my seeds already (within the week). Thanks so much and once I get some planted in the spring, I'll give you an update….

  3. Luke, Just got three of my seeds I ordered, they are coming from different area's, and I'm sure I'll get the other 5 that I ordered. So all of you who say that you can't get them being a home gardener, I just got them in the mail today!

  4. Hey Luke, wanted to say that I got my first part of my seeds. None of the heirlooms that I asked for, just some variations of lettuce and green beans. Thanks for letting know about this. I hope others have better luck!

  5. Missouri Department of Conservation has a limited selection of fruit trees but at a buck a piece M D C . M O . G O V There are lots of different trees that live here, nut trees berries, cherries, pines. Most are a buck or less and you have to order 10 of each tree.

  6. I just wanted to say that I did just as you suggested and I had my first order of seeds two days after my order! I just got 4 strawberry plants too! Thank you so much, even if they do need info or research I am willing to do that in trade for seeds or plants.
    Thanks Again!

  7. Um…I have no idea how to post a video. I do alot of heirloom gardening, alternative gardening techniques, I raise animals, etc but I have no idea how to send it or what to use to make the video. lol funny huh? I was going to enter your biggest tomato contest but I didnt have a way to send you a video. I grow whoppers.

  8. Well I imagine that they will turn me down if they think I am taking advantage and abusing the system. I donate seed to all the local garden groups, the local cooperative extension and anyone else that is intrested. I also donate large quantities of vegetables to local food banks. Forgive me but technically if you READ what they say on their website only schools, organizations and the like are the only ones that should apply for the seeds. It says not for home gardeners or hobbyist.

  9. Thank you so much! I know this is an old video but I stumbled upon it because I've watched about 99% of your videos already! ❤️ I ordered 19 different germ plasm varieties for our Southern California master gardening group! Excited to be able to grow these new varieties within our community!

  10. DO NOT order seeds from the USDA if you are a home gardener. These are only for research purpose. A man who bragged about getting teosinte seeds from the usda to sell and use for home gardening got in serious trouble.

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