Some of you may not know that you can eat rose hips but you can, after taking out the seeds and making sure that those tiny hairs like glass fibers have been removed otherwise you will get a sore throat for a week or two! But don’t let that put you off as the flavor is great, sweet and fruity and you can’t miss them now in the hedge, full of vitamins as well! Please join me on Facebook and subscribe to these two channels:
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nice video, Can you eat any type rose hip?
Hey, Huw, cool vid!
As a young child, I remember picking rose-hips with my mother, drying them, jarring them, and using them in a sweet rosy tea during the Winter. I've always had a certain nostalgia for rose-hips. I love seeing them covering the wild roses around here.
good to know about the hairs, thanks for the information
Okay, gonna give that a try! Thanks!
might give that a try next year it's too close to winter now they have turned mushy :/ now I have heard of making tea with rose hips or a jelly but not eating as is. interesting thanks for sharing.
Yeah they are pretty good for that
Blow your nose!
All that Vitamin C and you are still sick lol
Can we eat the seeds too? for maximum benefits
Please do share the recipe for Hagguebutte! Great video.
Why can't we eat the seeds? I have iceberg rose bushes in my patio, can I eat its hip ? Thank you.
Funny everyone says the hairs are so irritating. I eat them right off the plant without preparation, seeds and all (which some people also say are inedible – cyanide). Research actually says cyanide from seeds can actually be good for you and I believe I have read it's used as a cancer treatment, can't remember specifically, look it up if you're interested. So, the rose hip hairs… Anyone ever had a problem with them? What's it feel like, stomach or mouth irritation? I don't know I've ever eaten more than 5 hips in one sitting since they're seedy.
I see these down the canal, u can make nice jam,
i have a rosehip tree but is is rock hard, confused
You can eat the seeds its natural.. Synthetic cyanide is the dangerous one we ate these growing up, along with apricot seeds, apple seeds you name it in my whole town and no 1 ever got sick or died. Its a myth created by big pharma because these seeds kill cancer cells. No profit for the pharmaceutical companies if everyone gets cured.
thanks i would like to try this free food, what are the health benifits apart from getting the exercise going to pick them
Thanks for your extremely helpful tip that i did not find anywhere else. you saved me from a sore throat and a mistake in a manuscript. looking forward to learning more from you.
Useful trick to know, in case I try to eat some rose hips in the future – and it looks like I've found some.
Super helpful thankyou so much
do you need to remove the hairs if making rosehip syrup?
Shalom! Thank you very much for sharing with us the proper way to harvest, clean and eat rose hips.
I just throw them in a smoothie, hair, seeds and all. No problems here.
first time that i made rosehip jam the recipe never told me that there where hairs… my body itched al over after seeking the internet i learned they make itching powder out of rosehip-hairs!
I thought you had to cook them
Great advice thanks can u do this with only the scented roses or are they all good to eat cheers
Just caught this one searching for when to collect rose hips. You've come such a long way from here and more than pleaded to be on the journey with you. Thank you for your time and efforts to share everything out as you do.
I ate the "rose hip" (without knowing its name) and WITH the "fiber glass like" hairs. I had a sore throat for a couple of weeks. The I thought maybe I should find out the name. So I did, and then I watched your video on YouTube… Thank you for posting.