June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Welcome To My Channel!

Te first of many videos! I hope you guys enjoy and I greatly appreciate any and all feedback! thanks for watching, and more videos to come!

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Welcome To My Channel!

  1. My very first garden thing was probably the Ubiquitous "Bean in a paper cup" that we all do in kindergarten.
    It died.
    That summer, my dad sacrificed his rusty bottomed bar-b-que to make me a garden thingie. He filled it with dirt, and then he handed me a packet of Radish seeds.
    My goodness, who knew that Radishes were addictive!
    As for a sign-off…..we'll work on it!

  2. If I said nothing would you unsub ๐Ÿ™‚ I am being as untechnical as possible with this channel to proove it can be done, as long as you have a pot, some nutrient, some light, and some patients! If you want to see my lighting setup, I will be doing a video on that very soon. but I only use it for sprouting, and getting them going.

  3. Those lime flowers are awesome! They reminded me of the tree my grandparents used to have in their house when I was a kid ๐Ÿ™‚ And you're right, they smell amazing. (I have to admit that I even took a bite from a few of them every now and then hehe)
    P.S. Good luck with your new channel ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I'm just curious how you do things. So do you window garden indoors? I live in Seattle so that is not an option for me. The days are very short. I have a set up that works for me. I want to see what works for you.

  5. Hi Luke, subscribed by way of Ray @ Praxxus55712. His channels are great and yours may be also. Really like the bonsi idea. Done it for years in a small way. I have clipped back the roots of the cuttings that I take in the fall and overwinter in the shelves I built in front of a east window. I have tomato, pepper and cuke that are cuttings I first took 5 years ago. Cannot wait to see what you do. Looking forward to each video you post. Thanks and good luck.

  6. this is a dwarf key lime, and I really did nothing special. I just added some organic fertilizer, and grew it in potting soil. It took about 2 1/2 years, and it just started fruiting. I just watered once it started drying out. nothing too scientific.

  7. Wow, just jumping around within your videos and found this, your first. Love it and you sure have come long way.You deserve all the best that comes your way. I am planting some of your seeds this AM. Your videos are priceless. God Bless.

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