March 8, 2025

VIDEO: Worlds Simplest & Cheapest Way to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

This Super easy DIY project can be made with very simple at home materials. The fungus gnat paper works like charm and should be replaced every few days just to stay fresh and clean, and sticky.
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Worlds Simplest & Cheapest Way to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

  1. I bought the yellow sticky traps because I have a lot of houseplants, all over the house, and I keep seeing these unpleasant little flies. I'm a self bottom waterer, though, so I might not have the kind of infestation that top waterers do. My question: can I speed things up by setting an actual booby trap? What if I have a bucket of rotting organic material and I put the sticky traps all over the top of the soil? Will the fungus gnats all think their ship has come in and fly off to find that delicious smelling death trap? Can I 'vacuum' them out of the whole house, like that?

  2. I wish I had paid more attention to this. The name should have given it away. I had over 100 tomato plants growing inside and when they started dying I saw all these what appeared to be white spots on them. That's when I realized they were dead fungus gnats. I had seen them flying around, but I had read that they weren't harmful to adult plants. Then I realized that it wasn't the gnats killing my plants, but some sort of fungus that they were spreading. I also have some strawberry plants that were starting to have their leaves turn red which is an indication of a fungus. Luckily I have some time before spring and am starting over. Thanks Luke for helping me get through this.

  3. Loved you video, wish I would have known about this method years ago. Video could have been condensed into maybe 3-5 minutes though. Some people are pressed for time.

  4. Wow, you're so young here, you've been doing this for a long time, much appreciated!!! You brighten my covid life everyday and teach me so much, thanks for putting a smile on my face on the daily in these trying times!!!

  5. Do drench with safers BTK made for killing caterpillars. Uses bt bacteria, mix 15ml per liter, evenly soak soil, leave wet for at least a day, repeat twice with two days in between applications. It’s so cheap amd effective.

  6. I am 70 years old and never had these fungus gnats until last year and they came in a bag of indoor potting soil from china. I never knew what they were until 2020. I know this because I setup an old aquarium with a new bag of soil and cuttings I had here at home, Then I sealed the aquarium with a sheet of glass on top. I had plans of never opening it. (at my age) But watering free plants are very nice for old people. But there came the gnats flying around the sealed aquarium which just got worse as I should not have opened it. As now they are around the house. One on my monitor right now. I might just rid my house of many old plants and just grow ones that live in water like pothos. I will first try your idea. Being old I will first try hemorrhoid ointment. Old but still funny :0)

  7. Young man….I appreciate your channel. I would also appreciate it if you got to the point more quickly. As a busy senior and gardener it’s very time consuming to have to wait so long to get the pro offered info from your vlog.
    Maybe you could do a vlog for beginners and another one for seasoned gardeners where you zoom straight to the answer?
    Your’s truly,

  8. I have tried various methods of getting RID of fungus gnats. I had a bad infestation in my grow room early last summer. I used sticky tape, vinegar, etc. These methods caught some of the gnats but did not get rid of them. Eventually, I removed all plants from grow room and all fungus gnats disappeared.

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