June 10, 2024

VIDEO: How To Grow a Cashew Tree INDOORS!

The first episode on how to plant your very own cashew tree INDOORS!!! This tree sprouts reletivly easy, but there are many safty concerns, and small details that can lead to failure of germination, injury, and death of the seedling. Follow me as I teach everyone how to sprout, grow, fertilize, train, and harvest your very own cashew tree.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow a Cashew Tree INDOORS!

  1. I'm sprouting some cashew seeds right now (started them 2-3 weeks ago). The sinking seeds are germinating well, but so are a few of the ones that floated. So if you have only a few seeds, you may want to try planting the "floaters," too, just in case they come up.

  2. OMG! First of all…cool channel. Why did you stop?? Second…I am an American now living in Brasil and I just bought some fresh caju (cashew fruit) at the green market, with the seeds attached, and wanted to try to grow them. Found this vid. So great. Had no idea of the caustic oils!! Cannot wait to plant. Thanks for this!

  3. I'm In southern California and just planted six seeds. They have all sprouted but now I don't know what i should do. I was thinking of planting one in a pot for indoor growing, but I am not sure how big a pot I need. Recommendations?

  4. We used to play with the raw cashew seeds, knowing to avoid the sap inside, but it wasn't that bad. put the seed in the fire then crack the burned part off and the nut then edible.

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