September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Seeds are sprouting! + You Choose The Fate of a Plant

I finally got some things sprouting, and lots is happening! hopefully you can help me make a descision about my goji berry too! like I said, it is up to you guys! You decide the fate of it!

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Seeds are sprouting! + You Choose The Fate of a Plant

  1. Mate, firstly its a wolf berry. Secondly dont cut it! i have one and its now flowering and most of the flowers are coming from the top half of the plant. it will probably send out a few other secondary branches,as mine has. Cut those ones back but leave the first one to grow taller. It will only get probably 2/3 feet in height anyways.DONT CUT IT!

  2. I would really like to get some goji seeds, but I would stake it for now and see how it is doing for another couple of months. Congrates on the new seedlings. Don't worry about the curve, some of us have worst than others including myself hahaha

  3. Well, like I said, I do not care what the verdict is. If everyone follows eachother and doesn't think for themselves, and they kill the plant. It is a lesson learned. We will never learn how to do things the right way if we never learn the wring way first. That is what this channel is all about!

  4. If it was me, I'd probably cut back the goji berry. I think that it is really neat that your involving the viewers in some of your decisions! Keep up the great vids!

  5. Years ago I brought in some geraniums that I grew from the seeds of other geraniums.  I used to plant seeds from other plants, but if Monsanto has their way, the ability will stop soon.

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