June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Complete Growroom Update!

A followup episode to My previous video! A complete walkthrough of the things that have been sprouting! and a look at some beautiful new growth, and just an all around good start to the new year! So far everything is off to a stellar start!

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Complete Growroom Update!

  1. Happy New Year!! May the gnat problem be but a distant memory soon. ( Very Soon – for your sake).. Last year the gnats took over on me. I don't ever want to go there again. Alot of work

  2. The prickly pear is just going to keep putting out more pads. I had one in my backyard when I was a kid and that's all it was…just pads and pads everywhere 🙂

    P. S. Happy New Year!

  3. orange oil, 1 oz per gallon, pro move, i have not a fungus gnat 1, had em, but been gone 6 months or so, drench top 2 inches, relax and forget em…goooo spartans…

  4. Nematodes will end your problem in a few days. buy them at the nursery and water them in. they eat the larvae before they hatch. this is like the big hammer! I had a problem with them also. one application and it was case closed and they have never returned. I promise you they will make your day! Brock

  5. good video luke
    wow where are you going to put all these when they start to grow casue that is going to be a lot of plants … are you going to plant as many tomoatoes this year as last year

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