June 8, 2024

VIDEO: 3 Common Garden Planning Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
When planning a vegetable garden it’s easy to ignore problems that can occur when plants are in the ground. In this video we look at 3 common mistakes gardeners make when planning their gardens and give simple solutions.
Making sure your plants are spaced correctly, using companion planting to defend against pests and sowing in batches every few weeks so you have backup options are all important. This video shows how to use the Garden Planner to insure that your crops have the best chance of producing a great harvest.

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden recently please report them via http://bigbughunt.com

The Garden Planner is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Common Garden Planning Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

  1. Re :Cabbage White b/flys–I netted my brassicas with identical netting to yours and they were able to squeeze through the gaps.
    I could hardly believe it!

  2. the 3 biggest mistakes in UK allotment gardening are;
    1 raised beds, why turn your huge plot that can grow all your vegetables for one year, in to a few tinnie tiny raised beds seriously limiting your growing area ??? pointless.
    2, landscaping fabrics, have you ever tried to dig these out from areas want to put in to vegetable production ???
    3, wood chippings, and what's worse is paths made of fabric and wood chips, it takes a age to remove them and it doesn't work after a year or 2 as the chips rot down at the bottom making compost and the weeds love it !!!

    in short if you want to really limit your vegetable production on your allotment then cover it with all the above.

    And weeds I love them !!! this week I've cleared enough weeds and grass to make one huge compost heap that's 1m by 1.5m by 1m which next year will be great free compost

    stop listening to the so called experts on YouTube giving you duff ideas

    one last thing, potatoes in pots ? what's the point, my potato harvest is around 500lb per year not including early potato's, all from rows in the ground, you try doing that in pots

  3. does this garden app alert you if you're planning to plant vegetable that should not be planted together? and does it plan for succession planting and crop rotation please?

  4. I really like this planning tool idea but , I'm afraid I'm less technical than I used to be though interested I fear Long Covid has impaired what used to be an explorative mind

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