March 23, 2025

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Youtube format help and a question

  1. You might want to ask zehawk1, he does programming tutorials and codes games and such. He uses what you are asking about, screen video capture software, or screen video recorder.

    I thought I had one installed, but apparently I no longer do, or I forgot the name of it. But, you can capture real time "video", or "screen capture", and do voice overs as you are moving the mouse and such.

  2. It could be that the person accidentally blocked you. It's easy to do with the new format since the block button is right next to the send message button. I was accidentally blocked, but got it cleared up. They do track the sheet right out of us, not just on YT, but naywhere you go on the net. People think they put software in place to prevent this from happening, but they are wrong. Every little mouse movement and click is tracked from site to site and computer to computer.

  3. As for the subs page, mine only shows me what videos YT wants me to watch, usually ones with lots of views and ads. Many of the lower view count videos, or vids without ads, from some of my favorite channels don't show up. It's all about the Benjamins these days. YT has lost it's soul and it's draining all our souls in the process. lol

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