March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Regain Power with a Self Sufficient Life

Next vid. Going a bit slow. I have a lot of things in my head I´ve thought about over the years and must take a bit of time to organize them.

Analyze for the Self Sufficient life 1st vid

3rd vid

4th vid

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Regain Power with a Self Sufficient Life

  1. Again I will go back to a neice of mine, she had and option of paying $800 for a larger house and a bedroom for each of her kids or a #300 for a smaller place and the kids sharing a bedroom and again I will say no no ..she will not hear of's gotta be a room for each child and she ca't afford this house…crazy. Socitey has made it to where kids sharing a room is just an awful thing. Kids these kids go to school with think they are rich BUT they are not,

  2. I have never wanted for a BIG life full of high end stuff I have been happy with a simple life even in school many years ago I did not desire brand name clothes but my younger sis did she wanted to be seen wearing the expensive jeans. I am working on learning to garden and hoping to get some laying hens this year and learn on tend them.

  3. Me again..First I want to say I am not a farmer but sure wish I was and wish I had started years ago on farming. Cooking…I have 3 brothers and not one of their wives all..this is a thing I see a lot of in my life..I told my husband I was going to quit cooking…of course I am kidding..and to think my bro and their wives are not rich either…I think this is so sad myself.

  4. you are so right! ppl see whats on tv and think that is the only way to live. want more! you dont have enough! you can never have enough! The whole thought process of our culture is blown out of porportion by thinking that everyone needs to be rich with material goods. this is what the bible warned everone about. religion is outdated to most now so they fill their lives with stuff instead of storing up treasures with god or ones self that really mean something. use your time well

  5. The big Corporations have the system rigged,and lobby the FDA ,EPA And every Government Agency they can to take all your rights away so you almost have to join the Matrix.

  6. You are so right, if folks can afford nice things then no biggy but many of these folks can't,,,,not at all,,,but they rather live on the edge and stay behind on their bills and pay for –rent to own– TVs and furniture and such and live nervously and worry everyday in order to have these things, a sad way to live I think.

  7. My system involves every man woman and child of able body creating what they need to survive plus a little more and waste nothing…simple. Great video too. Here in New Zealand we are getting back in to industrial hemp in a big way, check out "Waikato Hemp Project" on facebook.

  8. I would also like to add that we need to crush Monsanto before they get any more out of hand, they are intentionally destroying heirloom varieties in order to control food as well as poison us so we become 100% dependent…

  9. I couldn't agree more. We just did away with our land line and no longer have cable tv. We are trying to downsize and in a 1 1/2 to 2 years are going to relocate and get the small homestead we have always wanted. I don't like our system, I wish more people would wake up. Thanks for another great video!

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