March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Cheap Chinese egg incubator review

Review about a cheap Chinese egg incubator I purchased after my American made Hovabator broke. More specs and specific info can be found on our blog

The manual can be found here on our forum to either read or download

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cheap Chinese egg incubator review

  1. out of all the videos about incubators in youtube, not one for finch birds, I need more info to see if this incubator can be used for small finch eggs as small as 8mm x 12mm.

  2. i am hatching out peafowl eggs … I am SOOOOOOO sick of this ALARM on this incubator! No matter what I do, it will not stop going off! Is there a way to DISABLE the alarm?

  3. I just about to buy one from ebay with 8 eggs one similar to the one you have here. When did you take the egg turner out before they hatch please? Not sure I need to do that too. Thanks

  4. I will never buy one from China again.I lost  46 eggs after I put it on lockdown it wouldn't hold temp!I went back to the styrofoam one and  had  90% hatching rate!

  5. I know that I'm late to the game, but hopefully someone can give me some feedback on this type of automatic egg turner. For decades we've hand turned our eggs… It's a chore, but never too much of a chore. This year we decided to expand our incubation to several batches, and bought a very similar incubator as the one reviewed here. The egg turner doesn't turn the eggs… It just tilts them slightly. Many times it stops with the trays flat, meaning it rotates a bit, then goes the other way, and stops flat. Is this normal? Do the eggs only need a slight tilt one way or the other? Thanks kindly.

  6. Wife bought me one online and imported some expensive fertile eggs to go with it. Sadly it cooked the lot.
    Subsequently the plastic fell apart in places not long after. You definitely get what you pay for.

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