June 9, 2024

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Spring garden update #2, surviving the cold nights

  1. Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment, it is very kind of you. We actually found the praying mantis eggs in a tree when we were at an estate sale one day. Next time you are outside just keep an eye out for them, and you can just grab the branch the sac is on like we did and just stuck it in our garden, and when it gets nice out the eggs will hatch and be more "workers" in our garden. They work for free hah

  2. Thanks for sharing the praying mantis tip. I saw one in the backyard the other day and didn't know what it was so I threw out. Wish I could have seen this earlier. Thanks for the videos. 

  3. Thanks for the great info, we live in Windsor, Ontario, just across from Detroit, so our weather, climates about the same. I know this is an old video, but since we are just starting out, had ten yards of mulch delivered a few days ago, I wanted to watch your videos from the start to see the transformation and hopefully learn from your failures and successes.

    Since May, I had started a number of different beds to see what would work best here. But after watching some garden of eden videos and some of you more recent ones I decided to take the plunge and cover just about everywhere with mulch. I tried cover crops in a number of areas, but my wife hates the disorder, so luckily she is on board with the mulch it all idea, despite the cost. I am looking for free mulch, but so far no luck in our area. Put out a request on a local gardening FB group today and with any luck something will turn up.

    Anyhow thanks for the info and being so positive; a refreshing change on today's social media. I do not need to hear how evil some company is or how something is wrong, so negative and I do not think most folks realize they are doing it. So it is encouraging to find someone who instead takes the high road and promotes how humans can interact with our environment in a positive way , using simple natural techniques.

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