March 29, 2025

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Thoughts on GMOs

  1. Very good video. I wish that our government would BAN GMO's in this country too. Like you said, not enough long-term research has been done to show that they are or are not harmful to us. I also don't feel comfortable with man creating something in a laboratory and relying on that product to sustain my life. That's too much control. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Eggplant, now???

    2:35 — good point…

    Definitely agree on health issues and environmental effects not having been sufficiently addressed/studied. When you couple GMO with pesticide or with pesticide resistance, the concern magnifies. Love your metaphor about heroin users and acne.

    As for myself, I buy both heirlooms (that are hybrids) and non-heirloom plants to grow, but yes, mostly the former.

  3. I really wish that farmers could band together and sue Monsanto for trespass when their plants get contaminated by GMO patented "life"…. I seriously believe there's a strong case there.

    I am definitely the antithesis of a conspiracy theorist on most counts, but I do think you are right about Monsanto having developed into wanting to be a major player in controlling the world food supply for their profit.

  4. AWESOME Vid good buddy, yep this a terrible and very dangerous plot at large,….ya know it all makes sense, i was employed some years ago in '98 by the Corn Flake factory, and the General Manager of the mexico plant, said it was in their plans to at least be No. 3rd largest cereal company,…..whatever happened to the antitrust laws, swept under the rug and forgotten, Kellogg buyin' Keebler, buyin' a whole bunch of smaller companies, all in the name of money makin'?!! Totally disgusting!! =[

  5. I think you have to understand the "Organic" standard.The NOP grew out of request not by arbitrary arm stronging. So I would trust this committee as many NOP supporters keep it closely regulated. The alternative is, big companies have NO regulation. And FWIW, you CAN'T grow GMO organically. The NOP does not allow it. Good video BTW.

  6. Individual farmers simply don't have the legal firepower to fight Monsanto. So banding together is (well, sigh, perhaps WAS) the way to go. Wondering when this new law is slated to take effect — cases need to be launched NOW.

  7. I support your points. The point I was trying to make was, If we don't have a regulated standard, it would be overrun by big agriculture abusing the system for monetary gain.
    So it's a necessary evil imposed out of concern, not by arbitrary gov't mandate. It doesn't serve the Gov't or financial industry, but rather protects the small farmers from big Ag intrusion. Didn't say I liked it but it HAS to be there. And yes… it sucks! But the blame is placed squarely on big Agriculture.

  8. Oh no, I don't feel that way at all. It's very healthy to have discussion and get others points of view. Even if you disagree 🙂 Okay, only disagree on 10% LOL. You have a great channel and certainly encourage thought. And that's a good thing. Keep it up!

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