March 28, 2025

VIDEO: HUGE Additions to the MIcrogarden

Some truly HUGE things happening with the MIcrogarden. I can only hope everyone enjoys, and find the garden as unique and as intriguing as I do.

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: HUGE Additions to the MIcrogarden

  1. I think it's the norm to make huge messes when you make demo videos 🙂 Something about how you have to position yourself and your project while making a video is so different from how you would normally do it… and then you are talking on top of it all.

    I love tropicals too, but I don't have the area to set it up. I've been trying to get most of my yard back to native Michigan plants/flowers.

  2. to keep dirt from falling out, you can put pieces of paper towel or coffee filters in the holes. i do this so much for my potted plants. hope it helps and great video. citrus are really often here in southern california. really easy to grow, great plants and fruit, and best of all, the smell of the leaves.

    p.s. citrus don't need too high of a humidity.maybe 50%, but I know that other plants need a higher humidity.

  3. Calamondins are awesome. They make great marmalade, pies, or for just eating. Just pop the whole thing in your mouth.

    I've 7 of them grown from seed, about 1.5 years old now. Looking forward to them flowering.

  4. Your plants are really great and you know your tropical plants. Have you ever tried to plant breadfruit? They grow really big but there must be a way or some sort of dwarf plant. We call them panas. Great video.

  5. Calamansi Tree. The fruits are not really that great to eat unless you like sour, kind like a lemon. They are great if you use the juice to put on top of cooked fish. We live in NH & we've had a few of them.

  6. I think Ur doing an amazing job with Ur gardening skills. I am also challenging myself 2 grow Tropicals where they would never grow. I live in Carson City, Nevada. The dessert. So yeah I Luv the thought of being able 2 grow things where they would not normally B able 2 grow. Again thanx as always 4 sharing

  7. I love your videos so much!!! I just found them. Your garden is great! Olive, citrus, goji, passion fruit! My favorites, I have some! Really hope you do a new video! 🙂

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