March 27, 2025

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2013 Garden Update

  1. gardening has been a real trial this year… everything here seems a good 5 weeks behind.. just getting some things on the go .. beans peas some salad stuff carrots shallots etc hope they do ok

  2. Your garden looks so nice and orderly. You sure have put a lot of thought into it. I've had tons of rain here in, Florida and my garden in the Georgia mountains. I was up at the mountain homestead by myself for 3 weeks. My brother-in-law came by and helped me build a 30 x 40 ft. garden. We were going to get a dump truck load of top soil but they couldn't bring it because of all the rain making it too wet and heavy. So, we found a huge pile of wood chips and covered the ground with it.

  3. I'll keep an eye out for the plant video. I know what you're saying about canning the spinach. I brought home a 5 gallon bucket stuffed full of kale greens and it cooked down to 4 pints if I recall correctly. It takes a lot

  4. I think you will like the wood chips. Just remember to keep a good margin between the chips and your plants or seeds for the first several months. Once they begin to break down, they are great, but I don't think they are the best to have right up against the plants when they are fresh. I hope you get the cherries and plums despite all that rain.

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